Colorado State University
Budget Planning Tool

To provide the CSU community an opportunity to work with CSU's budget, an interactive model is displayed below. The model allows the user to alter the budget elements over which there is flexibility, within the limits experienced by the administration. Budget elements that are fixed in nature are included at currently anticipated levels. This model looks only at the change in the fiscal year 2022 budget over the current fiscal year 2021 levels. Although this model is greatly simplified, give it a try, and compare your results to the most recently proposed budget (CSU Version 5.0).

More about the budget classifications

  • Tuition - Tuition rates are set at different amounts for both undergraduate and graduate students and within these groups differently for resident versus non-resident students. Resident rates are usually limited by legislative policies, whereas the nonresident rates are subject to market conditions.
  • State Funding Impacts – The amount of funding provided by the State of Colorado in the form of COF (College Opportunity Fund) stipends for the benefit of undergraduate resident students, the Fee for Service Contract funds that support the graduate and PVM Programs and Agencies, as well as the funding of State Financial Aid programs. The amounts reflected are based upon the most recently available information from the State.
  • Multi-Year Central Investments and Strategic Initiatives
  • Salaries and Benefits- Increase in salaries as recommended by governance along with the related increase in benefit costs.
  • Enrollment Growth Colleges – A portion of the enrollment growth that is shared with the colleges, based on agreements between the Provost and the colleges, the purpose of which is to encourage enrollment growth.
  • Academic Tuition Sharing – A portion of the tuition revenues that is shared with the colleges, based on agreements between the Provost and the colleges, the purpose of which is to encourage the development and growth of new academic programs.
  • Deployment of Undergraduate Differential Tuition to Colleges – the Differential Tuition collected centrally is passed directly to the Colleges.
  • Deployment of Graduate Differential Tuition to College/Departments – the Graduate Differential Tuition collected centrally is passed directly to the College and Departments.
  • Financial Aid-Scholarship Inflation-Resident – Whenever tuition rates are increased, a portion of the increased revenue is allocated back into financial aid to assist those students with financial need. On average, the increase in financial aid is equal to about 20% of the overall tuition increase amount of both resident and non-resident undergraduate students, which is the percent used in this model, in addition to some fixed commitment amounts.
  • Financial Aid-Scholarship Inflation/Discounts – Whenever tuition rates are increased, a portion of the increased revenue is allocated back into financial aid to assist those students with financial need.
  • Scholarship Inflation-Athletics – Whenever tuition rates are increased, a portion of the increased revenue is allocated back into athletic student's financial aid to assist those students with financial need.
  • Graduate School Tuition Pool for GTA/GRAs – The University has agreed to cover the cost of tuition for students employed in graduate assistantship roles. This represents the additional resources required based upon FTE growth and tuition increases for such positions.
  • Other Mandatory Costs – Comprises mandatory increases for utilities, library collections/periodicals and debt service.
  • Commitments and Quality Enhancements – Encompasses existing commitments relating to critical initiatives, such as faculty start-ups, retention and new faculty positions, as well as quality enhancements for programs and infrastructure, such as increases in funding for student retention and safety.
  • Internal Reallocations – These are funds that will be redistributed across the university for strategic initiatives.
  • Internal Reallocations – These are funds that will be redistributed across the university for strategic initiatives.
  • Internal Reallocations – These are funds that will be redistributed across the university for strategic initiatives.
Fiscal Year: Budget Version:

CSU Version 5.0
2022 Budget
Percentage Change
Use sliders to select change over 2021 Budget
User 2022 Budget
New Resources
UG Enrollment Growth - FTE Increase2,993,000
UG Enrollment Growth - Change in Res/NRes mix4,756,000
GR Enrollment Growth - FTE Increase812,000
GR Enrollment Growth - Change in Res/NRes mix245,000
Facilities & Administrative Recovery Increase510,000
State Funding Impact7,617,000
Total New Resources$30,612,000
New Expenses
Multi-Year Central Investments in Strategic Initiatives1,200,000
Faculty/Admin Pro/GA Increases0.00%0
Faculty/Staff Compensation (Promotional)1,100,000
State Classified Increases2.50%1,495,000
Enrollment Growth Colleges 1/20
Enrollment Growth Provost 1/60
Academic Tuition Sharing512,000
Deployment of UG Differential Tuition2,212,000
Deployment of GR Differential Tuition0
Financial Aid/Scholarship Inflation - Resident977,000
Financial Aid/Scholarship Inflation5,973,000
Scholarship Inflation - Athletics297,000
Graduate School Tuition Pool for GTA/GRAs411,000
Other Mandatory Costs (utilities for new facilities and debt service)2,695,000
Commitments/Quality Enhancements3,879,000
1X Backfill Resources - Board Reserve Deployment15,000,000
1X Backfill Resources - Strategic Financing Resources14,026,000
Total New Expenses$49,777,000